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SuperCyberTown is a SE Asia based creative entity that utilizes cutting-edge technology in unique ways to bring inspiring visions of the world of tomorrow to life, today. With more than a decade of experience in visual effects, virtual reality, and interactive media, SuperCyberTown seeks to change the way that people perceive the world around them. Our collaborations over the years have ranged from massive activations for high profile global brands, live musical performances, prestigious cultural festivals, and intimate themed exhibitions.

Entrance To Cyber Town

Singapore, 2065. The city-state has a virtual extension that exists on top of the physical world, accessible to people with various forms of augmentation. In this piece we see inside the Buddha's Tooth Relic Temple in Chinatown. To the naked eye, it is a holy site with many pilgrims who come to bask in the glory of the golden Buddha. To the augmented with the right encryption, there is a gateway that opens to one of the most exclusive CyberClubs in town.

Entrance To Cyber Town 1


Entrance To Cyber Town 2




Pirate Sheep